Threads, Twitter's Competitor App, Its Advantages, and Future Development

Threads, Twitter's Competitor App, Its Advantages, and Future Development

In the ever-evolving digital age, social media apps have become an important part of our daily lives. One of the leading figures in the tech world, Mark Zuckerberg, is also involved in the social media app industry by creating an app called Threads. This article will discuss the genesis of Mark Zuckerberg's Threads app, including its background, its innovations, and its impact on the world of social media.

Mark Zuckerberg's Background

Mark Zuckerberg is an entrepreneur and philanthropist best known as the founder and CEO of Facebook, one of the largest social media platforms in the world. With his interest in technology and communication, Zuckerberg is constantly looking for ways to improve the user experience in interacting and sharing information.

The development of Facebook

Before discussing Threads, it is important to look at the development of Facebook as a social media platform. Facebook was founded by Mark Zuckerberg in 2004 as a means to connect people online and share their content, photos and thoughts. Within a few years, Facebook became a global phenomenon with millions of users around the world.

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Idea and Purpose of Threads

The creation of Threads was based on the idea of creating a platform that would allow users to communicate with their closest friends in a more intimate way. Mark Zuckerberg saw the need for a private space to share moments, so Threads was designed to provide a more focused and purposeful experience.

The application was released to the public according to Meta's planned schedule, namely Thursday (6/7/2023). Although only released today, user enthusiasm for Threads seems to be quite high. The euphoria of Threads users even reached its competing platform, Twitter. The topic of Threads is the top trending topic on Twitter Indonesia. In fact, the app with the blue bird logo is Threads' social media rival.

Some users showed off their accounts and first experiences using Threads. It is not uncommon to find users asking others to follow their Threads through Twitter. Other users compared Twitter to Threads and even insinuated how Twitter owner Elon Musk would react when Threads was officially released to the public, accompanied by various memes and GIFs.

What are the advantages of the Threads application?

The Threads application, developed by the Facebook company, has several advantages that can outperform its competitor, the application developed by Elon Musk, namely Twitter.

Personalized Interaction

Through Threads posts, we can add text, stickers, emojis, or even external links. This provides an opportunity for us to express our thoughts, feelings, or additional information that cannot be expressed in a regular post.

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Interesting Collaboration Opportunities

Threads also open up interesting collaboration opportunities between Instagram users. For example, we can collaborate with other users on a single Threads post, combining our stories and content into a harmonious whole.

Privacy Security

In Threads, users have complete control over who can see and access their stories. You can share Threads stories only with a limited group, such as your closest friends or family, providing a more intimate and private experience.

Focus on Visual Content

Threads allows users to focus on visual content, such as photos and videos, without the distraction of comments or likes that can be found in feed posts.  This allows users to notice and appreciate stories more intensely.

Integrated with Instagram

Threads can already be downloaded by Android and iOS users. After downloading the app and opening it, users will be presented with an account creation page.

Posts with Longer Characters

The next advantage of Threads is that it allows users to create posts with longer characters. In Threads, all users can create posts that are 500 characters long.

Meanwhile, on Twitter, regular or unverified users (blue tick) can only make posts of 280 characters. Meanwhile, users who pay or subscribe to Twitter Blue, they can make posts of up to 4,000 characters.

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No Need to Create a New Account

Users do not need to create a new account, to access ThreadsThreads is connected to Instagram. So, users can use their Instagram account to login to Threads. In addition, users can also import their Instagram account profiles into Threads.

"Take a Break" Feature

The next advantage is that Threads carries the short break alert feature that already exists on Instagram. Through this feature, users can be given a short break if they have been using Threads for a selectable period of time.

Threads Innovation by Mark Zuckerberg

In his journey to develop FacebookMark Zuckerberg continues to look for ways to enrich the user experience. In 2019, he launched an app called Threads which is considered the latest innovation from Facebook. The app is designed to improve the way people communicate and share moments with their closest friends.

So, what are the drawbacks of Threads?

The Threads application cannot change the username as long as it has not been used by someone else When signing up the username will be registered the same as the Instagram username. Threads user usernames are represented by a combination of numbers.

Trends feature

This is inversely proportional to Twitter, which has a trends feature commonly used by Twitter users.
DM feature
The disadvantage of Threads is the absence of a direct message or DM feature. The Threads application cannot send messages personally or in groups.

Multimedia Features

Multimedia features are not yet found in the Threads app. In the Threads app you can only insert images or videos from the gallery.

Can't delete account

Another drawback of this application is that if you have signed up for Threads with an Instagram account, you can no longer delete it. If you want to delete it, you have to delete the Instagram account.

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What is the Future of the Threads App in the Next Year?

The Threads app has been one of the leading innovations in the social media industry. Since its launch, the app has undergone significant changes and improvements. This article will explain the further development of the Threads app, including new features and functionality, integration with other platforms, user response, and future expectations and prospects for the app.

Background of the Threads App

Threads is a social media app developed by Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook. It was originally designed to provide a more intimate communication experience with close friends. However, over time, Threads has continued to evolve and improve to meet user needs and adapt to the latest technology trends.

New Features and Functionality

Threads developers are constantly striving to bring exciting new features and functionality to users. Some of the latest developments include:

User Experience EnhancementsThreads continues to optimize the user interface to provide a more intuitive and user-friendly experience.

Addition of Content Sharing FeaturesThreads developers have expanded content sharing capabilities within the app, including photos, videos, music, and articles.

Integration with Other PlatformsThreads is increasingly connecting with other social media platforms, such as InstagramTwitter, and Snapchat, to allow users to share content across platforms.

Security EnhancementsThreads continues to improve user security and privacy by implementing encryption technology and stronger privacy controls.

Integration with Other Platforms

As the Threads app evolves, integration with other platforms is one of the main focuses. Threads users can connect their accounts with other social media platforms, allowing them to automatically share content across these platforms. This gives users the flexibility to stay connected with their friends across different social media platforms.

User Response and Impact on the Industry

User response to the development of Threads has been very positive. Users have welcomed the addition of new features and functionality enhancements that make the social media communication and sharing experience richer. The Threads app has also impacted the social media industry as a whole by encouraging healthy competition and sparking innovation among other apps.

Future of Threads App

In the future, Threads developers plan to continue bringing exciting updates and improvements to users. Some of the expectations and future prospects of the Threads app include:

Increased Platform AvailabilityThreads will continue to evolve and be available on multiple platforms, including desktop and mobile devices.

Integration with Advanced TechnologiesThreads will adopt advanced technologies, such as artificial intelligence (AI) and virtual reality (VR), to provide a more immersive and interactive communication experience.

Emphasis on Quality ContentThreads developers will focus on improving the quality of content shared by users, including more advanced filters and editing tools.

Collaboration with Other App DevelopersThreads will establish collaborations with other app developers to improve integration and interaction between the platforms.

I hope this information is useful and don't forget to share this article so that others can also gain knowledge.