How to Hack Telegram Account 2023 – Telegram is a popular online messaging app these days, similar to WhatsApp. Telegram has a strict system and secure privacy for its users, but that does not mean Telegram cannot be hacked. Just like social media in general, Telegram also has weaknesses so that user accounts can be hacked.

Therefore, in this article I will teach you how to hack a telegram account with the latest method. This method is quite easy, you only need to open the website and run the program online.

How To Hack Telegram Account Using New Method

First open the HackFreeOnline site after that enter the username of the telegram account you want to hack, keep in mind that not all telegram accounts can be hacked. You can also use your own telegram account for experiments.

Make sure the username you entered is correct, because if it is wrong then the process fails. After filling in the username then click HACK and wait for the process to complete. Do not refresh or close the page as it will fail later.

After the hack process is complete you can see the results of the password, but before getting the password you must complete 2 steps verification to prove that you are not a robot.

You can choose the verification option, starting from survey verification and verification by sharing a referral link. If you have completed verification, the account password will be sent via email. Just enter your email address and wait for the password to be generated.

Done, the way is quite easy isn't it. The next step is how to secure your telegram account.

How to Secure a Telegram Account


The following are tips for securing telegram accounts from hacker attacks:

  1. Enable 2-Step Verification
  2. Enable Recovery Email
  3. Turn on the Don't Add Me In Groups option
  4. Hide Mobile Number from Profile
  5. Always update the latest cellphone numbers

If you have implemented the 5 steps above, it is likely that your account will not be hacked by hackers, and you can be sure that your account is safe. Don't forget to always avoid phishing links so that your telegram account won't get hacked.

So that's all tutorials from us hopefully useful and don't forget to share this article so that other people can also get knowledge.